Invite Users

11 Nov Invite Users

Invite Users

You can use Promis with your team. Your bookkeeper, your accountant or any managers and other team member.

Currently, we offer 3 roles.

  • Subscriber – owns the organisation (there can only be one)
  • Manager – can approve bills and make payments
  • User – can approve bills only and has no access to banking information

Once you invite them under the User tab in Manage Organisation, they will receive an email and can accept the invite by setting up a free Promis account or adding the organisation to their existing login details.

Verified Emails

Verified emails are used to find any bills in the Promis network that are addressed to you. So if your suppliers send bills to multiple email addresses, you should verify each one in the Emails tab in Manage Organisation.

Any bill sent to that email address by a connected supplier will arrive in the Promis dashboard of the organisation you have specified as a default.

If you receive bills for various organisations to the same email address, you need to manually assign them to the correct organisation. If that happens a lot, we suggest using different emails addresses for the various organisations.

Next: Automate more: invite suppliers & clients

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